Our automotive electrical trainers provide a training platform to teach the fundamentals of electricity as well as how the general principles apply to the automotive field. Coverage is available for every automotive system equipped on vehicles today. We offer trainers that simply show how a relay works and a light bulb all the way up to a complex CAN network trainer that has multiple modules you communicate and control with a scanner. Some of the trainers are interactive in the way that a student has to wire the trainer themselves with jumpers and see if the trainer operates the way it should. All of our larger electrical trainers come with a built in power supply and manual faults. The front panels are laser printed on durable ABS plastic so they are durable yet easy to clean.
The electrical trainers have some options available you can add to them.
- You can add more faults standard number is 6 but we can add more or less if needed
- We offer a key pad with LCD display for fault insertion if you don’t want manual fault switches
- Intermittent faults can be added to any trainer for any fault
- We offer a wide range of wireless fault insertion options

#228 Front Lighting Trainer (Wiring)
- Complete Front Lighting System (for use with #229)
- Includes Flasher, Relays, Switches, and Fuse Block
- Provides Capability for Student Wiring
- Test Points for Diagnosis
- Optional Faults
- Dimensions: 48″l x 24″w x 10″d
- Weight: 40 lbs (approx)
#229 Rear Lighting Trainer (Wiring)
- Complete Rear Lighting System (for use with #228)
- Includes Flasher, Turn Signal Switch, and Neon License Plate Frame
- Provides Capability for Student Wiring
- Test Points for Diagnosis
- Optional Faults
- Dimensions: 48″l x 24″w x 10″d
- Weight: 32 lbs (approx)

#250 Relay Trainer
#250 Relay Board/Cooling Fan Circuit Trainer
- Trainer demonstrates how relays operate in a cooling fan circuit on a late model GM vehicle.
- Allows students to build the circuits themselves with supplied jumper leads and test the built circuits.
- Teaches how a relay is controlled and operates in series or parallel with each other.
- The bulbs represent a cooling fan and the brightness relates to the fan speed. When wired, switches will turn on the bulbs in one of 3 modes: one bulb will light, both bulbs will light at half brightness, or both bulbs will light at full brightness, showing different speeds of the cooling fans controlled by the PCM output switches.
- Power supply circuit test points are protected against reverse polarity
- Trainer is in small form factor: 9″ * 11″ * 5″ (High)
#270 Lighting System Trainer
#270 – Lighting System Trainer w/ Faults
- Trainer shows students how lights are controlled in new vehicles with networking
- Trainer is powered by a 23A 12v DC power supply that plugs into a standard 120v AC outlet
- Students will be able to see how lights are controlled via the BCM, and pull codes from BCM with a scan tool and use a bi-directional scanner to command components on, and isolate and OHM out desired circuits
- The faults are introduced via the keypad and LCD screen with an easy to use interface
- Trainer can be used as a standalone unit or be networked to #271 Instrument Panel & #272 Power Door Lock Trainers to demonstrate how multiple systems are controlled with one BCM
- Dimensions: 40″w x 31″h x 10″d
- Weight: 40 lbs (approx)

#271 Instrument Panel System
#271 – Instrument Panel Trainer w/ Faults
- Trainer shows students how instrument cluster works with the BCM through automotive network
- Trainer is powered by a 23A 12v DC power supply that plugs into a standard 120v AC outlet
- Students will be able to see how lights are controlled via the BCM, and pull codes from BCM with a scan tool and use a bi-directional scanner to command components on, and isolate and OHM out desired circuits
- The faults are introduced via the keypad and LCD screen with an easy to use interface
- Dimensions: 40″w x 31″h x 10″d
- Weight: 40 lbs (approx)
#272 Power Lock Trainer
#272 – Power door Lock Trainer w/ Faults
- Trainer shows students how lights are controlled in new vehicles with networking
- Trainer is powered by a 23A 12v DC power supply that plugs into a standard 120v AC outlet
- Students will be able to see how lights are controlled via the BCM, and pull codes from BCM with a scan tool and use a bi-directional scanner to command components on, and isolate and OHM out desired circuits
- The faults are introduced via the keypad and LCD screen with an easy to use interface
- Trainer can be used as a standalone unit or be networked to #271 Instrument Panel & #270 Power Door Lock Trainers to demonstrate how multiple systems are controlled with one BCM
- Dimensions: 40″w x 31″h x 10″d
- Weight: 40 lbs (approx)

#201 – Electrical Simulator w/ Faults
- Eight Vehicle Electrical Systems in One Unit
- Twenty(20) Real World Faults for Diagnosis
- Test Points for Diagnosis
- Top Selling Item
- Included Battery or Power Supply Option
- Dimensions: 40″l x 31″w x 7″d
- Weight: 40 lbs (approx)</li
251a AC Trainer
#251a HVAC – Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning System Trainer w/ Faults
- Complete HVAC Electrical System w/ OEM Components
- Provides Capability for Student Wiring
- Eight(8) or Sixteen(16) Real World Faults for Diagnosis
- Test Points for Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
- Dimensions: 40″l x 31″w x 7″d
- Weight: 40 lbs (approx)

282 Starting Trainer
#282 – Starting System Trainer w/ Faults
- Simulates Starting System and Operation
- Includes Starter, Solenoids, and Controls
- Five(5) Real World Faults for Diagnosis
- Test Points for Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
- Dimensions: 40″l x 31″w x 7″d
- Weight: 60 lbs (approx)
283 Charging Trainer
#283 – Charging System Trainer w/ Faults
- Simulates Charging System and Operation
- Includes Alternator, Regulator, Drive Motor, Battery, and Controls
- Five(5) Real World Faults for Diagnosis
- Test Points for Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
- Dimensions: 40″l x 31″w x 7″d
- Weight: 60 lbs (approx)

GM Set
GM Set Trainer
- Provides capability to design, create, and diagnose circuits
- Contains 25 independent realistic modules
- Circuit designs based upon realistic automotive systems
- Courseware includes basic to advanced level circuits
- Includes power supply and locking storage case