Our car clips are available in a variety of manufacturer models and makes. Custom features are available by request including the Break Out Box option (shown below)

Hybrid Clips

  • Operational hybrid vehicle
  • Removable casters for driving ability
  • Major hybrid drive components exposed


  • Clear windows to internal hybrid components

Break Out Box Option

  • Test points provide ECM pin-outs
  • Real world faults provide circuit interruption
  • Includes full documentation and schematics
  • Keyed access to fault switches
  • Different box mounts/podiums available


  • Intermittent faults are available
  • OEM labeling for easy identification
  • Faults can be inserted wireless or through USB cable if desired

Sensor Break Out Option

  • Test points provide sensor pin-outs


  • Preserve sensor connectors from back-probing damage

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